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          The Overcomer Hour is far from being a traditional church service. It’s a meeting whose format has attracted people from all walks of life, including the unchurched. The meeting is about love. It is about God’s love for all human beings. It is also about giving participants the proper tools to face life's challenges. The Overcomer Hour was born out of: 1) Jean-Fritz Guerrier's reflections about new ways of being church in the 21st century, 2) Daniel Cohen’s writings on humility, and 3) Vicky Mariconde’s singing ministry and her ministry with people who have been affected by the loss of loved ones.


          Jean-Fritz has been researching about and coming up with ideas regarding new church formats for years. He has made several propositions about specific church formats that he thought were more suitable for this time. When the pandemic hit the entire planet in 2020, he began to think about new ways of being church during a once-in-a-lifetime crisis. He decided to have a conversation with Daniel whose groundbreaking research on the topic of humility had the potential to change lives. In addition, Jean-Fritz had a conversation with Vicky who already had a debut album, and had been using her personal experience to minister to people experiencing grief.


          All three of them decided to team up to make the Overcomer Hour a success. They came up with a creative format to meet the challenges. This includes prayer, a pair of reflections led by Jean-Fritz and Daniel, a song performed by Vicky, an interview with an expert or leader, and a time of sharing when participants can share their thoughts and feelings. It is also important to note that  putting theology in conversation with science, public policy, music, prayer, and so forth in an atmosphere that at times looks like a therapy session is one of the main characteristics of the Overcomer Hour. This platform or program may also be seen as a new way to be church (through a different format, of course!).


          The first session of the Overcomer Hour appeared on zoom on May 30th, 2020 with
more than 30 participants and was live-streamed on social media. Since then, other people have joined us, countless comments have been made in the platform, and dozens of experts, leaders and executives have been interviewed about Covid-19 and other topics. As this ministry is expanding, we are thankful for everyone who has contributed to it, and pray that God will bring more people and more innovative ideas to our platform. Our hope is The Overcomer Hour will help more leaders find new and creative ways of “being church.”

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